020 8446 7779

K.O Express

We have been keeping an eye on the emerging food trends and eating habits and have used our expertise to develop a new K.O Express model.

This model will have wider customer appeal as the types of foods on offer will be a mix of best of old time favourites and best of new emerging trends such as peri peri, pastas etc.

By excluding curries this set up is also very cost effective, saving you money on specialised staff and making it much easier to run.

In most cases the stores will be smaller, making it easier for the potential franchisees to source the sites and reducing business overheads

The Sucess Story

Our Mission

To be the best providers of grill food, peri peri chicken and pasta dishes with commitment to quality and value at affordable prices.

Our Service

What We Focus On



To honour all promises and commitment to the business and to our customers.

Dining Experience

To provide the very best Peri Peri dining experience to our customers.


To accommodate single persons, couples to large families, events and parties

Update From

Our Satisfied Customers